Saturday, March 1, 2008

What if God was one of us?

About two thosand years ago [I'm not good with facts] people were all in denial that the Mesiah has finally arrived. Except for a handful of people, they were all condemning Jesus for claiming that He is the son of God.

It is now 2008. The prophesized apocalypse did not and has not happened yet. But things have happened, like the super typhoons, destruction of the Twin Towers, global warming, the list goes on. We might feel at times that God isn't around, that He's just some fictitious character created by mankind to hide a deep secret. If this is the case, how can we explain us being here right now at this moment? Science may have logical explanations but what governs science? Wouldn't you feel empty to realize that this is all there is to living? That what we have right now is all we have and that there's nothing more? Wouldn't that make our lives here on Earth meaningless?

The wrong person was nailed on the cross. They say it saved humanity. This heroic act is written in the bible, it's in the prayers, it'a all but voiced out almost all the days of our lives and you would think people would be more careful from then on. But they still walk on the street like they own it, like there's no greter deity than they. But what if Jesus is yet again walking the same street you walk on to? What if He is that old man who smiled at you or that little girl with those bright eyes looking at everything around her? What if He's the beggar on the side of the street or the rich lady teeming with jewelry inside her ritzy Mercedez?

We'll never know, would we? But that doesn't mean we should just let what happened two thousand years ago happen again. History shouldn't repeat itself especially not this history. So I say be kind to everyone you meet. Be genuine all the time [well, not all the time 'coz there are times that we have to put a face for the best of things]. But what I'm trying to say is God works in mysterious ways so it's better if we just try to be nice and helpful to all our brothers and sisters and do our best in all the things we do since we don't know what goes on in His mind. And since it's what He wants us to do, to be.

God may be amongst us, or He may be all of us. After all, God is in everything He made.

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